
Sound travels through water quicker than air. This is just a reminder for me because it’s important for the whales.
For example, whales.
When whales echo-locate, they detect an object with their voice. The enclosed whale ear, invisible to the outside, is important for balance and orientation. It’s surround sound. That’s why the whale ear is a perfect sculpture locator. This also makes the whale the perfect collaborator. Whales could help detect sculptures, and whatever else is there. They can also adjust their voice to the octave of their interlocutor. This is also a proposal for conversation.
Whale watch: There’s cash only at the café, and whale spotting will be guaranteed. We will hear that whales break away from the coast, that they can travel incredible distances and that we don’t even know where they are during the winter. It’s kind of a mystery, the guide says, they can even swim backwards. But after cruising in the ocean for some time, and looking out for them, the whales will show up, revealing a tiny bit of their enormous backs from the water surface in a slow, smooth movement, and a stream of water will be blown into the sky, before they dive down again. Because whales are like icebergs, they are mostly underwater.