To: Bice Curiger,

To: Bice Curiger,
Parkett Verlag Ltd.
From: Monika Schmela
23. 11. 1984
Monika writes that she happened to come across the work “Hängeschränkchen,” by Sigmar Polke, pictured on page 36 of Parkett No. 2. The work is of particular significance to her: Monika’s husband, who had less sense for furniture than for paintings, refused to allow her to buy a second hanging cabinet for the kitchen of their new apartment. Polke, on seeing Monika’s distress, said to her, “Come, I’ll make you one,” and in a short while the painting “Hängeschränkchen” hung next to her cabinet of the same size and color. Some time later the painting was sold to an admirer.