In this issue

Nadja Abt, an artist with a seafaring background, lives between Berlin and Sao Paulo. The images are originally rubber-stamps of a smaller scale than printed here, made to mark all kind of surfaces with ships and their attributed names.

Tenzing Barshee, a columnist for Starship lives currently in Vienna. Working as a curator, his latest exhibition, Le Mérite, will open October 14th in Paris. His latest contribution is a Summer tale.

Gerry Bibby is a Berlin based artist, columnist, and new editor for Starship. His column’s continuing investigation of O migrates to this issue’s cover. Inside he has contributed a collage of images from his Floor Show series of works, shown recently at Greene Naftali in New York City.

Mercedes Bunz writes about digital media and philosophy of technology. Having been the co-founder and editor of de:Bug, an influential Berlin based magazine, she now lives in London. She writes a blog at

Lou Cantor is an artist group based in Berlin. They contribute a riddle for each issue of Starship.a

Nicolas Ceccaldi is a New York based artist. His adaptation of the gospel of Judas is an original contribution for Starship.

Jay Chung is an artist and columnist for Starship, based in Berlin. He and collaborator Q Takeki Maeda have been recently working with the archive of the Schmela gallery, now part of the Getty Research Institute in Los Angeles. This issue’s Dull & Bathos is based on this work.

Hans-Christian Dany is a Hamburg based artist and writer, and was a founding editor of Starship. His books are available at Nautilus publishing house. See:

Nikola Dietrich is a Berlin based curator and editor of Starship. An exhibition she curated, generated by last issue’s Plastic Island insert, opened in August at Galerie Bernhard, Zürich.

 Helmut Draxler is a theoretician and curator. We spoke to him on the occasion of his recently published book: Abdrift des Wollens. Eine Theorie der Vermittlung. 2016, Turia + Kant. He is photographed in his garden in Kreuzberg by Ariane Müller.

Francesca Drechsler has written since the 1980s, mainly for the Neue Züricher Zeitung, and has been a Starship columnist since the beginning.

Martin Ebner is a Berlin based artist, filmmaker, publisher, and a founding editor of Starship. An exhibition with artist Kitty Kraus opened in September at CAC Vilnius.

Jana Euler is an artist working out of Frankfurt am Main. Her contribution for Starship is a graphic combination of two recent and parallel exhibitions of hers: In it, Portikus, Frankfurt, and Female Jesus crying in public, Galerie Neu, Berlin.

Julian Göthe is a Berlin based artist and regular apologist for Starship. His contribution was found after clearing out and cleaning his mother’s cupboards.

Toni Hildebrandt lives in Rome where he is a Fellow at the Istituto Svizzero since 2013. He also teaches in the Department of Modern and Contemporary Art History at University of Berne and in the Study Programme at the Maumaus in Lisbon.

Karl Holmqvist is an artist, poet, and columnist for Starship based in Berlin. HIs lyrics here are from a forthcoming album he is doing together with Arto Lindsay.

Judith Hopf is a Berlin based artist, and a columnist for Starship. Her exhibition Up is currently on view at Museion in Bolzano. Both image and poem in her column stem from this exhibition.

Stephan Janitzky lives in München, were he publishes the magazine *** muss sterben, the recent issue being Sex muss sterben. He is an artist.

Jakob Kolding is a Berlin based artist and columnist for Starship. While his former contributions were inspired mostly by books about the future, this time he draws a fantastic line from John Cheever’s short story The Swimmer, through Seinfeld, a poster by Christopher Williams and Felix Gonzalez-Torres, Marguerite Duras,and Clarice Lispector.

Robert McKenzie is a curator and art-adviser based in New York. He is a columnist for Starship and frequently sends notes from New York’s ever fascinating art scene.

Maria Loboda is an artist recently relocated to Paris from Berlin. Her contribution, made for these pages, was one of the beginnings of an editorial discussion about housework for this issue.

Nick Mauss is an artist based in New York. His contribution is a transcription of his spoken introduction to the pre-Stonewall Queer Cinema program at Lincoln Center, New York, on April 22nd 2016.

Robert Meijer is the music columnist for Starship.

Ariane Müller is a Berlin based artist, writer, publisher, and a founding editor of Starship. Besides of her column Kinderkommunismus, she has also contributed the poem jasenin, written in 2015 for Suse Weber, and has talked with Helmut Draxler about his new book.

Christopher Müller is a gallery owner (together with Daniel Buchholz) and columnist for Starship, where he focuses on one specific book, text, or prominent character.

Eileen Myles has been a celebrated poet for decades. We’ve been inspired by her iconic novels Inferno, or Chelsea Girls, and by reading her anthology of poems from last year.

Henrik Olesen is an artist based in Berlin and editor of Starship. Together with Gerry Bibby he recently collaborated on the exhibition Conversation in a Yes / No Landscape that opened at Gallery Deborah Schamoni in Munich in July this year.

Philip Reinartz is a freelance designer living in Berlin. This is the second issue of Starship on which he worked as the graphic designer.

Gunter Reski is an artist based in Berlin. He co-founded Starship in 1998, and is also known as an art-critic and writer.

Mandla Reuter lives in Berlin. He works in Import / Export. His contribution Chocolate Marble Internet in this issue treats questions of worldwide trade and human developments under the condition of an assumed Anthropocene.

Cameron Rowland is an artist based in New York. His contribution is a facsimile of a document that outlines both “domestic” and volunteer labor protocols used at immigration detention centers in the USA.

Julia Scher lives in Cologne, and teaches at the Academy for Media Arts Cologne. Her pages in Starship are excerpts of her work Security by Julia, a series of installations she has produced since 1988.

Mark von Schlegell is a Cologne based writer and columnist for Starship. His interest in Science Fiction exemplifies our general idea of producing a magazine about the future.

Eva Seufert is an artist based in Berlin. Her contribution consists of details from A3 prints she made using toast bread.

Dan Solbach is the graphic designer of Starship since 2015.

Wolfgang Tillmans is an artist based in Berlin. The manifesto on the last side of his contribution is depicted hanging on a wall of the art-space he organizes in Berlin called Between Bridges.

Vera Tollmann is a Berlin based writer, curator and critic. She was editor for Starship No. 7, the Y (or feminism) issue. Together with Stephanie Wurster, she writes the feminism column for Starship.

Haytham El-Wardany is a writer based between Berlin and Egypt. His contribution for Starship was written for the catalogue of the exhibition Martin Ebner, Kitty Kraus, in CAC Vilnius.

Nicole Wermers is an artist living in London. Tollmann / Wurster proposed her washing-up sculptures from 2013 for their column Clouds.

Amelie von Wulffen is a Berlin based artist. A selection of cartoons was her regular contribution to her column for Starship. This time we chose a new painting, featured in her current exhibition Der Tote im Sumpf at Barbara Weiss Berlin, as our centerfold.

Stephanie Wurster is a Berlin based writer, editor and translator. She was an editor for Starship No. 7, the Y (or feminism) issue, and was our columnist on literature ever since. She now writes Clouds, the feminism column in Starship, together with Vera Tollmann.

Florian Zeyfang is a Berlin based artist, filmmaker, and writer.

He is a regular contributor for Starship since 1998.

Thanks to Gerry Bibby for joining the editorial team, Franco Vittorio for hula hoop dancing at the performance depicted on the cover, Herald Street for looking for Nicole Wermers’ photographs, all the artists who helped us and showed at the Starship presentation at the Istituto Svizzero in Rome (May 2016), Taylor Macklin for inviting us, the Istituto Svizzero and its former curator Egija Inzule.

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