Seinesgleichen geschieht / The like of it now happens, Excess and Sustainability
a visual research project by STARSHIP magazine


Ariane Müller

Christoph Sefera

Daniel Pflumm

Diplomacy in Reflex

Deborah Schamoni

Florian Zeyfang

Gunter Reski

Hans-Christian Dany

Henrik Olesen

Judith Hopf

Klaus Weber

Martin Ebner

Michaela Eichwald

Nils Norman

Nina Rhode

Sebastian Luetgert

Simone Gilges

Stefan Dillemuth
Seinesgleichen geschieht / The Like of it now Happens
The series of 19 posters (and a plastic bag, not on display here) is part of a visual re-search project by STARSHIP magazine. The research started at two terms: Excess and Sustainability, complimentary and yet integrative notions.
Excess, the waste of energy and resources, the exploitation of oneself and others is seen as part of artistic production and is told in stories and expected by the audience. To ex-cessively exploit yourself and your resources has for a long time been the general image of artistic production. It is also an internal feeling of negativity, to not care and not take care, when being anyhow not d'accord with general value settings, may it be beauty, hotel rooms or cities.
Sustainability, as a social term, might on the individual level be transcribed into the care for oneself. It has become a leading term in the discussion of resource efficiency, of the necessity to change behavior patterns, a notion that a lifestyle, that has been excessively followed in Europe and the US might have come to an end in itself.
Based on the two notions of Excess and Sustainability, STARSHIP has invited 20 artists to a project that is mainly conceived for the public space. Each artist has produced a poster, not necessarily trying to put together the two notions but as a visual research that depicts elements within this field between caring and wasting, they relate to.
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