In a sideshow by the sea

Martin Ebner
In a sideshow by the sea
Video, PAL, stereo, 6 minutes, 2010
Based on a audio track:
(excerpt from) John Cage Meets Sun Ra
Alternate performances of Sun Ra-Yamaha DX-7; and John Cage-voc.
Sideshow by the Sea, Coney Island, NY, June 8th. 1986
We are sitting inside the Sideshow By The Sea theatre in Coney Island, NY, in June 1986.
It is a concert, Sun Ra and John Cage are performing together, separately.
Sun Ra is testing his new synthesizer, and then, after a pause of several minutes,
John Cage will start again to sing in a very gentle way.
But we are still in the middle of the pause.
It is a warm summer evening. The door is open.
You can hear the humming of the amplifiers, and the voices of the people outside walking by.
Some unusual thoughts come to our mind.
Berlinale, Forum Expanded 2010, Kopietheater 1, curated by Ian White
1 Seidenschal von Hermes
2 David Hockney: Self Portrait with Blue Guitar, 1977
3 Bruce Nauman im Studio
4 Catherine Deneuve
5 Starship: Zebra, 2008
6 Object Tracking Research: Tea
7 Salvador Dali: Rinoceronte vestido con puntillas, 1956
8 Olivenpresse in Pompeji
9 Rosenthaler Platz, Berlin
10 Pullover von Alexander McQueen
11 Amore e Psiche, Ostia Antica
12 Martin Ebner, Collage
13 Richard Artschwager, Untitled (Blp)
14 Jack Smith: Musical Painting (Abracadabra) 2, 1983
15 Object Tracking Research: Motion Capture
16 Object Tracking
17 Object Tracking (Japan)
18 Hotelbett, Shanghai Inn, Bangkok
19 Luis Buñuel in drag, Los Angeles, 1973
20 Dirk Bell: LI ve IS LI ve, Schinkel Pavillon, Berlin, 2009
21 Carson McCullers, 1940
22 George Brecht: Chair
23 Claude Cahun
24 David Hockney: Still Life with Book, 1973
25 Die Fächer-Banane (Ravenala), der Baum der Reisenden von Madagaskar
26 Polizeikette am Kottbusser Tor, Berlin, 2008
27 Schaufensterpuppe in Chinatown, San Francisco
28 Eingang zum Straßenmarkt in Belleville, Paris, 2008
29 Frachtschiff am Horizont des Pazifik, San Francisco, 2008
30 San Francisco, Ocean Beach
31 San Francisco, Buddha Staue, Japanese Tea Garden, Golden Gate Park
32 Neonschrift in Chinatown, NY, 2008
33 Junge Katze, verwickelt in ein grünes Fischernetz, NY, 2008
34 Straßenbeschriftung in London
35 Schlafendes Schwein im Kinderzoo, Görlitzer Park, Berlin, 2009
36 Regenbogen über dem Neuen Zentrum Kreuzberg, Berlin, 2008
37 Object Tracking
38 Gertrude Stein Statue, Bryant Park, NY
39 Irmgard Keun: Gilgi - Eine von uns
40 William Eggleston
41 Felix the Cat: Plot for the Revolution
42 Napoli, Sommer 2009
43 Thomas Bayrle: Gießkanne, 1989
44 Nan Goldin: Gina at Bruces Dinner, 1991
45 George Grosz mit Gehstock
46 David Hockney: It picks it's way, Blue Guitar Suite, 1976
48 David Hockney: L.A. Bicentennial, 1981
49 Le détachement de longue durée, Association Amicale des Anciens
d'Alcatel Space, 1971
50 Martin Ebner: In an ideal world the coordinates of all sensors would
51 Ignatz the Mouse
53 Martin Ebner, Le Courbeau, Aquarell, 2008
54 Sebastian Luetgert, Jan Gerber, American Embassy, Berlin, 2005
55 Skalitzer Straße 138, Berlin, 2006-2009
56 Im Roten Salon, Berlin, 2007
57 Amoxan, 1981, The Japanese Gallery of Psychiatric Art
58 John Cage Meets Sun Ra, Meltown Records, 1987
59 Ilya und Emilia Kabakov: Where is our place ?, 2003
60 Lee Miller: Max Ernst and Dorothea Tanning, Sedona, Arizona, 1946
61 Kino Arsenal, Potsdamer Platz, Berlin
62 Marcel Broodthaers: The Visual Tower, 1966
63 Massai-Schüler in Festtracht
64 Michael Corinne West
65 Die Einkaufsstraße Nakamise in Osaka
66 Railway Map, Osaka
67 Object Distance Ring, Partikelanimation
68 Isamu Noguchi: Nine Floating Fountains, World Expo Osaka, 1970
69 Otto Gutfreund: Selbstportrait, 1919
70 Andrea di Bartolo: Madonna of Humility, Portable Altarpiece, ca. 1410
71 Schwarze Rauchwolke in Berlin, 2009
72 Graue Rauchwolke in Berlin, 2009
73 Lampen, Berlin
74 Blumen, Berlin
75 Ariane Müller, Collage
76 Wolken über Berlin
77 Sanssouci, Potsdam
78 Raymond Roussel, Nouvelles Impressions d'Afrique, edition text und kritik
79 Sanssouci, Potsdam
80 Gordon Matta-Clark: A Retrospective, Museum of Contemporary Art, Chicago, 1985
81 Pablo Picasso, The Great Snow Owl, 1957
82 Der Himbeerstein bei Admont, Steiermark
83 Prospect Park, Brooklyn, 2009
84 Lagerfeuer auf der Insel Maienwerder, Berlin 2009
85 Dachterrasse, Akademie der Künste, Tiergarten, Berlin
86 Starship, Vogel, Silberkuppe, Berlin, 2009
87 Ariane Müller, Fuß, Neues Museum Basso, Berlin 2009
88 Shrimp als Schlüsselanhänger
89 Lampe, Berlin
90 Starship, Various Sketches For Leaving the Room, Berlin
91 Avocados, East London, 2009
92 Pavel Janák, a box with a lid, ca. 1911, Prag
93 45 different patterns for pattern recognition
94 Joze Plecnik, Säule
95 Rachel Harrison, The Lay of the Land, Le Consortium, Dijon, 2008
96 CT Scanner Aquilion 64, Toshiba Medical Systems
97 Lichtstrahl, Berlin
98 Joe Strummer
99 Tizian, Bacchus and Ariadne (Detail), 1522-23, London*