Martin Ebner, Ein helles Kino @ Forum Expanded 2015


Martin Ebner, Ein helles Kino
2-channel video installation, 33 min., loop

65th Berlinale, 10th Forum Expanded exhibition
"To the Sound of the Closing Door"

David Askevold, Frederico Benevides, Pauline Boudry, Renate Lorenz, Jeamin Cha, Yu Cheng-Ta, Roy Dib, Martin Ebner, Antje Ehmann, Jan Ralske, Jeanne Faust, Mireille Kassar, Arvo Leo, Jen Liu, Eline McGeorge, Ho Tzu Nyen, Jenny Perlin, Constanze Ruhm, Emilien Awada, Arthur Tuoto, Wendelien van Oldenborgh, Michael Snow

05-16 Feb 2015
Akademie der Künste at Hanseatenweg, Berlin
Forum Expanded is curated by Stefanie Schulte Strathaus (head curator), Anselm Franke, Nanna Heidenreich, Bettina Steinbrügge and Ulrich Ziemons.


Presented as a 2-part video installation, Martin Ebner's piece investigates the spatial and temporal experiences that are connected to a fictitious cinema space. This space can be seen as an imaginary, inner, and mental state of mind. A feeling of floating is created for the spectator by a screen that smoothly and steadily glides up in the background. In close range, a different projection screen presents the 'program,' which is stretched in time and consists of short, very short, and medium-length sound and image fragments as well as regular breaks in the sound and image.

The fragmentary use of time, unusual for conventional models of perception, allows the spectator's mind to stray, and at the same time the object-like quality of the two projection surfaces and their respective projectors come more and more to the fore, especially when the screen remains dark or when there happens to be no sound. During the course of events, there will be no beginning and no end, which eventually means that the duration of the work could be anything from a few seconds to a couple of days. This video installation turns into a specific walkable space, to which you can react. Through its exemplary dissection of some of the basic elements of the cinematographic experience it describes the possibility of a reserved and complex audiovisual presence.

Review by Nora Kovacs

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