Afterwards by patience, perseverance, practice, I came to be one of the best at jumping off moving vehicles. Time, time, time has taken away the value of that lesson.

Ariane Müller
Exhibition at Oracle, Berlin

Visiting a Sarah Lucas exhibition some years ago it seemed suddenly clear that an exhibition should include three elements: One, something big, two, somethin redundant, and three, something to take away.
Printed in reduction technique the prints mirror and play with a moving still-life by André Derain, from the Basel Museum collection, I had used in an exhibition there. Color-schemes and motive of the backdrop landscape in the night print are losely based on Edward Munch: Two women at the beach, and Evening Melancholy.
The writer's block uses a script developed for this by Sebastian Lütgert, which copies a file every minute while I write on two sheets of paper, my associations with printing.
"Difference and Repetition" by Gilles Deleuze, and Sigmund Freud's "Jokes and their relation to the Unconscious", are two books that will have found their way into this exhibition.
The printing machine used for the print belongs to Suse Weber. It was last used in Leipzig to print the leaflets for the revolution.